As a renowned physician and geneticist, Axel Kahn presided for five years over the INRAE-Cirad-Ifremer-IRD Joint Consultative Ethics Committee. He  carried out his mission with conviction and enthusiasm, placing ethics at the heart of the questions raised by  research activity and process.

At the beginning of 2021, he agreed to renew his mandate for four years and set out the perspectives and impulses that he intended to give, which were to be more attentive to the expectations and ethical questions of the research workers of the four organisations; and to share the Committee's guidance more widely with the public as a whole, in order to provide food for thought on subjects of major importance to society.

The Ethics in Common INRAE-Cirad-Ifremer-IRD Committee is developing and extending that ambition. On 23 September, together with the presidents of the four research organisations, the Committee honoured the visionary work of Axel Kahn, who sadly passed away in July 2021.

Looking to the future, this day invited us to reflect on the role of ethics in a research organisation and initiated new ways of dialogue with scientists from the organisations.

In addition to attending the discussions, the programme of the day offered those present, privileged moments of discussion with the members of the Ethics Committee and the speakers, as well as a meal at the restaurant Les Belles Plantes. Those unable to attend were able to watch the broadcast of the event streamed online.


Photo credit :  © INRAE