[Committee meeting] - A new subject for self-referral
At its plenary session in Paris on 16 September 2024, the members of the Joint Ethics Committee continued their reflections on the current referral ‘Participatory science and research’ and discussed a preparatory text for the draft opinion.
The Committee also discussed and defined the outlines of a draft self-referral on ethical issues related to research on and for adaptation to climate change. An internal working group was set up to prepare the framework text for this self-assessment and to lead the discussions.
The Committee's next meeting will be held at the INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine centre in Bordeaux on 18 and 19 November 2024. As part of this visit, discussions are planned with scientists on participatory science and research and on the self-review project.
Photo: violescent sea-whip (Paramuricea clavata). Credit: O. Dugornay - Ifremer