Guidance N°14 — Human needs, natural resources and preservation of the biosphere: 2. Agricultural practices and soil quality
July 2022 | INRAE-Cirad-Ifremer-IRD
At the intiative of the Ethics Committee
Soils are essential to human life as they are a key element in agriculture and food production, which is necessary for our subsistence. But above all, soils are living environments that host a great diversity of organisms that fulfil important ecological functions. In recent years, the constant pressures of human activity have led to many concerns about the health of soils. How can the ethics of care and attention, aiming at the preservation, remediation and even regeneration of soils, be integrated into research which is often driven by an instrumentalist approach?
Illustration : Demonstration of agricultural equipment at the Innov-Agri show, Outarville, Loiret | Photo credit : INRAE - Bertrand NICOLAS